Our expert support staff is here to help make you successful. We provide additional support to get you up and running as quickly as possible, and help you maintain your system as it evolves.

MegaSys® offers both “8 by 5″ and “24 by 7″ Extended Support Service (ESS) contracts, which includes software enhancements for customers with current ESS coverage. ESS subscribers also receive license-free systems for any test labs in their network. Other options in our extended support service contracts include:

Software Upgrades All licensed product upgrades including access to multiple versions of your network element models and the latest Telenium suite.

Documentation MegaSys provides extensive documentation describing how to use and manage your Telenium system. This information is available to both hard copy and online formats. Programs such as the Database Manager (DBM) have built-in help screens and prompts. Graphic programs can launch help screens customized to your operation.

Technical Support Our skilled support staff is available to assist you with mission critical problems 24 hours a day. Trouble tickets can be submitted via e-mail, fax, phone, or our web based trouble ticketing system.

Web Support Access the latest software and documentation updates from our web support page. You can also enter or review current and past trouble tickets.

Registered users have access to the MegaSys ticket tracking and management system, as well as download access to Telenium® products and documentation currently licensed on their network. If you’ve already registered, you can access your Telenium models online, or view a complete list of Network Elements that Telenium supports.

If you don’t have an assigned username please register online for your personal account.

Interested in learning more? Contact MegaSys Computer Technologies Business Development at (403) 295-0511 or sales@megasys.com