Telenium® configuration management tools allow you to manage network elements from multiple locations. Network elements can be configured remotely through a point-and-click interface or a Reach-Thru session. Standard applications such as FTAM (file transfer access and management) are used for loading network element configurations and enabling rapid disaster recovery so that you can minimize any network downtime.


Import and export network information in a database using excel spreadsheets. This configuration management feature also allows you to make backups of a database, see what information is contained within your database(s), and input new data into the database.


This application allows system administrators to compile SNMP MIBs, create a model, and customize how Telenium processes traps received from the equipment associated with the MIBs. A model generated in this way will not support any of the higher functions offered by a full model developed by MegaSys, but still allows you to monitor the device.


This diagnostic tool for communication problems reviews messages passed between a network element and the database, pinpointing the source of communication breakdowns so that they can be fixed. Messages consist of: commands sent by the subdriver, physical equipment responses to these commands, and autonomous messages sent by the equipment.


Telenium’s unique concept of modeling network elements makes turning up and maintaining your network management system fast and simple. Models describe the entire range of card configuration, alarms, and provisioning commands available on a network element. This template can be applied multiple times to represent each unique element in your network. When combined with the AutoDiscover feature, you can have full network surveillance on your network within hours, not days. AutoDiscover queries the database to populate records to exactly match the physical configuration of a piece of network equipment.


The Telenium system allows operators to do full element provisioning using a common graphic interface, which doesn’t require extensive prior training in the element’s native protocol. As a result, a variety of tasks including entering or deleting cross connects to initiating element backup and restores, can be managed from one location.


System administrators can configure Telenium to send email pages to notify users when certain alarm conditions occur.


Telenium backs up network element databases automatically to the Telenium server. Backups can be scheduled as often as required, and the Telenium system automatically stores the last 10 backups on its server. Telenium allows you to perform a restoration of a previously saved backup to the network element, providing rapid restoration of service to your customers. If the network element is completely isolated, your field technician can simply download the backup image and restore it directly to the network element.